Who Could Use An AVM and How Your LOCAL Tulare County AppraiserFirst: What is an AVM? Your LOCAL Tulare County AppraiserAccording to The Dictionary of Real Estate Appriasal, Fourth Edition: Your LOCAL Tulare County AppraiserAutomated valuation model (AVM): 1. Computer software that uses property database information to pull relevant comparable information and assign a value o range of value to a praticular property. Your LOCAL Tulare County Appraiser2. A computer software program that analyzes data using an automated process. For example, AVMs may use regression, adaptive estimation, neural network, expert reasoning, and artificial intelligence programs. Note that the output of an AVM is not, by itself, an appraisal. An AVM's output may become basis for appraisal, appraisal review, or appriasal consulting opinions and conclusions if the appriaser believes the output to be credible and reliable for use in a specific assignment. (USPAP, 2002 ed.) Your LOCAL Tulare County AppraiserSecond: Who could use an AVM? Your LOCAL Tulare County AppraiserSince it is illegal per USPAP guildlines for appraisers to do a value check on a property and give an estimated value before an appraisal is actually completed, lenders and or mortgage brokers, can use AVMs in order to get a general value of a property before they order an appraisal. Your LOCAL Tulare County AppraiserThird: How to get an AVM Your LOCAL Tulare County AppraiserThere are several websites that offer AVMs out there. Here are just a few: Your LOCAL Tulare County AppraiserDataQuick: www.dataquick.com Your LOCAL Tulare County AppraiserFNC: www.fncinc.com Your LOCAL Tulare County AppraiserFirst American Real Estate Solutions: www.firstamres.com Your LOCAL Tulare County AppraiserElectronicAppraiser: www.eletronicappraiser.com Your LOCAL Tulare County AppraiserIDM Corporation Real Estate Information: www.idmdata-now.com Your LOCAL Tulare County AppraiserYour LOCAL Tulare County Appraiser Your LOCAL Tulare County Appraiser
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